2021.09 至今:澳门太阳游戏城app,太阳成集团tyc4633,教授
2016.07-2021.08:澳门太阳游戏城app 信息与电子学院,教授
2010.07 至今:澳门太阳游戏城app,博士生导师
2008.03-2009.03:日本东北大学(Tohoku University) 电气通信工程系 Postdoctoral Research Fellow
2003.09-2004.09 香港城市大学 电子工程系 Research Associate
1998.09-2003.07:澳门太阳游戏城app 电磁场与微波技术专业 博士
1994.09-1998.07:澳门太阳游戏城app 电磁场与微波技术专业 本科
1. Pingyuan Zhou, Zhuo Zhang, Mang He, “Radiation Pattern Recovery of the Impaired-Radome-Enclosed Antenna Array”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol.19, No.9, pp. 1639-1643, Sept. 2020.
2. Wenqiang Liu, Mang He, “Accelerating Solution of Volume-Surface Integral Equations with Multiple Right-Hand Sides by Improved Skeletonization Techniques”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol.18, No.10, pp. 2006-2010, Oct. 2019.
3. Ji Li, Mang He, Xiuping Li, Chuanfang Zhang, “Multiphysics Modeling of Electromagnetic Wave-Hypersonic Vehicle Interactions Under High-Power Microwave Illumination: 2-D Case”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.66, pp. 3653-3664, May, 2018.
4. Ji Li, Mang He, Chunbo Wu, Chuanfang Zhang, “Radiation-Pattern-Reconfigurable Graphene Leaky-Wave Antenna at Terahertz Band Based on Dielectric Grating Structure”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol.16, pp. 1771-1775, March, 2017.
5. Binbin Wang, Mang He, Jinbo Liu, Chuanfang Zhang, Houjun Sun, “Fast and Efficient Analysis of Radome-Enclosed Antennas in Receiving Mode by an Iterative-Based Hybrid Integral Equation/Modified Surface Integration Method”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.65, pp. 2436-2445, March, 2017.
6. Mang He, Jinbo Liu, Binbin Wang, Chuanfang Zhang, Houjun Sun, “On the Use of Continuity Condition in the Fast Solution of Volume-Surface Integral Equation”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol.16, pp. 625-628, July, 2016.
7. Mang He, Xihong Ye, Pingyuan Zhou, Guoqiang Zhao, Chuanfang Zhang, Houjun Sun, “A Small-Size Dual-Feed Broadband Circularly Polarized U-Slot Patch Antenna”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol.2, December, 2015.
8. Binbin Wang, Mang He, Jinbo Liu, Hongwei Chen, Guoqiang Zhao, Chuanfang Zhang, “An Efficient Integral Equation/Modified Surface Integration Method for Analysis of Antenna-Radome Structures in Receiving Mode”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.62, pp. 4884-4889, July, 2014.
9. Jinbo Liu, Mang He, Kang Zhang, Binbin Wang, Qingwei Qiu, “Parallelization of the Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm by Combined Use of OpenMP and VALU Hardware Acceleration”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.62, pp. 3884-3889, April, 2014.
10. Mang He, Jinbo Liu, Kang Zhang, “Improving the Spherical Harmonics Expansion-Based Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm (SE-MLFMA)”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol.12, pp. 551-554, April, 2013.
11. Kang Zhang, Mang He, Xiao-Wen Xu, Hou-Jun Sun, “An Efficient Solution of the Volume-Surface Integral Equation for Electromagnetic Scattering and Radiation of the Composite Dielectric-Conductor Objects with Reduced Number of Unknowns”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 61, pp. 798-808, October 2012.
12. Mang He, Lin Wang, Qiang Chen, Qiaowei Yuan, Kunio Sawaya, “Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Modulated Scattering Antenna Array for Mobile Terminal Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol.58, pp. 2589-2597, September, 2010.
13. Mang He, Qiang Chen, Qiaowei Yuan, Kunio Sawaya, Xiaowen Xu, “A Simple Strip Model in the Volume-Surface Integral Equation for Analysis of Arbitrary Probe-Fed Conformal Microstrip Antennas”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol.8, pp. 530-533, March, 2009.
14. Mang He, “On the Characteristics of Radome Enclosed Archimedean Spiral Antennas”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.56, pp. 1867-1874, July, 2008.
15. Mang He, Xiaowen Xu, Bing Hu, and Ying Zheng, “Accurate analysis of arbitrarily shaped wire antenna-dielectric radome structures”, IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol.6, pp.408-410, 2007.
16. Yaowu Liu, Mang He and K. K. Mei, “Implement the theory of maxwellian circuits to spiral antennas”, IEEE Trans. Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol.47, No. 4, pp. 998-1003, Nov, 2005.
17. Mang He, and Xiaowen Xu, “Maxwellian circuit models for analysis of printed spiral antennas”, IEEE Mcirowave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol.15, No. 11, pp. 769-771, Nov, 2005.
18. Mang He, and Xiaowen Xu, “Closed-form solutions for analysis of cylindrically conformal microstrip antennas with arbitrary radii”, IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Vol.53, No. 1, pp. 518-525, June, 2005.
19. Mang He, and Xiaowen Xu, “Full-wave analysis and wide-band design of probe-fed multilayered cylindrical-rectangular microstrip antennas”, IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Vol.52, No. 7, pp. 1749-1757, July, 2004.
IEEE senior member,曾任中国电子学会天线学会委员,中国电子学会天线分会电磁散射与逆散射专业委员会副主任委员,IEEE Beijing Section奖励委员会主席。培养学生获得澳门太阳游戏城app优秀博士论文、优秀硕士论文2人,国际会议最佳学生论文1次, 研究生国家奖学金8人次。在包括IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques等顶级期刊的专业杂志和国际国内会议上发表学术论文100余篇。作为项目负责人主持包括三项国家自然科学基金项目在内的纵向和横向科研项目数十个。开发出具有自主知识产权的高性能电磁仿真软件HEMS 1.0版本,主要用于大型复杂电磁目标散射特性的分析,大规模天线阵列特性的分析,以及天线—天线罩一体化特性的快速分析。
1. 国家自然科学基金
2. 国家自然科学基金
3. 国家自然科学基金
4. 航天科工集团横向课题
5. 中航工业集团横向课题
6. 中国科学院空天信息创新院横向课题
1. 2017年亚太天线与传播国际会议(APCAP2017)最佳学生论文奖
Wen Tian, Mang He, Xiaowen Xu, Chuanfang Zhang, “Design of a low profile wideband circularly polarized magnetic-electric dipole antenna array”, 2017 Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP 2017), pp. 1-3, Oct, 2017.
2. 澳门太阳游戏城app优秀博士学位论文指导教师, 澳门太阳游戏城app研究生院, 2018.
3. 澳门太阳游戏城app优秀硕士学位论文指导教师, 澳门太阳游戏城app研究生院, 2020.
4. 入选澳门太阳游戏城app首届优秀青年教师资助计划,2005.
5. IEEE senior member, 2015.
IEEE Senior Member;
IEEE Trans. on AP, IEEE AWPL, IEEE Trans. on MTT, IEEE Access, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, ACES Journal, PIERs, 电子学报等14个国内外专业期刊杂志的长期审稿人。